Why use HyperMedia?

This project is based on Naoto John Tanaka's master's thesis, "Why was a 2nd Geidai Campus Opened in Omonma? An Attempt to Structure a History of Toride Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts, from Records and Voices", first published in 2020 in time for the 30th year anniversary of the completion and opening of the Toride campus of the Tokyo University of the Arts (TUA Toride). It attemps to publish text and related materials online utilizing the framework of hypermedia in the earliest days of the "World Wide Web" circa 1990-1992, the time period the usage of this campus first began.

この試みは、東京芸術大学取手校地(以下、取手校地)の完成・開設30周年に合わせて執筆された東京芸術大学大学院 美術研究科 グローバルアートプラクティス専攻 田中ジョン直人の修士学位論文(2020年度)『記録と証言による東京芸術大学取手校地史の構築の試み-開校までの経緯を中心とした「小文間の藝大第2キャンパス」の意味付け-』を基に、取手校地での活動が開始された1990年~1992年頃の、最初期の"World Wide Web"におけるハイパーメディアの概念を用いてテキストおよび関連資料をオンライン上で公開するものです。

Then, Hypertext was described as "text which is not constrained to be linear" and "contains links to other texts". HyperMedia was described as "a term used for hypertext which is not constrained to be text: it can include graphics, video and sound, for example." Though such concepts are ubiquitous today as of 2021, its 30 years of history coincides with the history of TUA Toride. By revisiting its origins in its structure, the T3 aims to be accessible and preserved as an archive for a prolonged period of time online.


The Project